Thursday, February 26, 2009


I refer you to my parents blog to read this:

Absolutely hilarious!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Economic stimulus bill passes Senate hurdle

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to deliver a bill to President Barack Obama's desk within days, ..."

"He said passage would mark "the first step on the long road to recovery.""

I thought the first step was the passage of the $700 Billion screwup - I mean, bill.

"This is a spending bill, not a stimulus bill," said Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Republican.

I agree - this is just another chance for the government to approve additional spending at the cost of taxpayers, without any input by those same taxpayers.

Just wrong. It didn't work the first time, and we are paying for it - why would it work this time, at a significantly higher price tag? it won't.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bailout Reloaded - Here we go, back.

I read this article today:

Bailout II: another attempt at saving the economy by using taxpayers' dollars. This will end the same way as the first. The author, Jim Jubak says:

" Paulson's Bailout I proposed that the government buy these assets, which was why it was called the Troubled Asset Relief Program. But when push came to shove, the Treasury abandoned the idea in favor of injecting capital directly into banks -- and insurance companies and credit card companies and the financing arms of car companies and . . . "

uh huh - so, they proposed, sold it, then changed their minds. Politics - government - nothing new.

ut now they are proposing it again - yes, the exact same concept as Bailout I. Anyone care to set odds on the changes of them actually doing what they say?