That's right. It's official. With the first recorded incident of a possible side effect of the H1N1 vaccine, we see how the government has set this up from the beginning. Yes, that's right, set up the H1N1 flu virus, so they could dole out the H1N1 vaccine, so that they can save millions of dollars on ObamaCare.
Some may call me a conspiracy theorist, but I say it's more likely 'government as usual'.
It's no surprise that no one, and I mean even those who wrote the blasted thing, has any idea how to fund Obamacare. The health bill runs us Millions, Billions of dollars and no one is truly counting the numbers to see where the funds will come from. The American people, in general, dislike the idea of nationalized healthcare. Government isn't listening.
But government doesn't need to do all the math because they have been working for years now on a way to save millions of dollars on this health care plan. It's simple really. Hang on - here it is:
The H1N1 flu is no more deadly than the regular yearly version of the flu. And yet, media, in general, has hyped up this 'swine flu' tremendously, claiming it is a world wide pandemic. You may recall a previous post of mine when the media claimed the swine flu was 'sweeping the globe', when in reality, at the time, the swine flu had barely reached 25% of the geographical world, let alone actual people. Of course, the media is heavily controlled by government. Yet, the media said it, and backed it, and continues to push it suggesting that H1N1 is bound to kill us all...... unless ---- we get the H1N1 vaccine!
In sweeps government with their all so timely H1N1 vaccine and who do they suggest get the shot first? From this link:
"These include pregnant women, people living in households with babies under 6 months old (since infants cannot be immunized, they must be protected by preventing illness in those around them), emergency medical personnel who are likely to be in contact with infected patients, young people between 6 months and 24 years old, and nonelderly individuals who have underlying conditions, such as asthma, respiratory illness or a compromised immune system, that put them at higher risk of flu complications."
So - this brand new vaccine, for a brand new type of flu virus, with minimal testing(yet 'safe' we are told), is being given to those who are struggling with their health already, are around young children/babies and the medical profession who have multiple, daily contact with the average joe.
And here is the connection - the way government will save Millions of dollars on Obamacare. They provide this vaccine to those 'high risk' people, who, since their health is already at risk, then develop complications, that kills them off and now Obamacare doesn't have to cover the Billions of dollars on those 'high-risk' people.
Yup - Government develops the Swine Flu, then 'fixes' it by producing a vaccine, but gives it to the young and the weak first, who then die and government saves millions on Obamacare.
11 years ago