Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spanish 302 Final - how I did it.

What follows is a method of study in an effort to remember authors, storys and plots. It is a random connection of names, words, thoughts, and ideas that connect them all together. It was written while going over the titles and authors so some may be duplicated, there are misspellings and other issues. But it works and I just might pass this final test tomorrow.

This is a personal study guide for Spanish 302 at BYU-Idaho for Winter Semester 2010, produced by Johnathan Duncan with help from a VERY patient spouse, Anna-Liisa Duncan.

Miguel de Unamuno - unamuno - is like a monk - he wrote about a priest - San Manuel Bueno, martir

no oyes ladrar los perros - dogs bark - woof - roof - rulfo - Rulfo My name is johnathan: john: juan - I hate dogs. Juan Rulfo

Carlos Fuentes - futnes is like fire - fire makes statues - statue of Chac Mool

Isabel Allende - allende sounds like thin - two words are thin - dos palabras

gabriel garcia marquez - gabriel is an angel - un senor muy viejo con unas alas enormous -

mi caballo mago - a little boy captures the horse - ulibarri sounds like a boyish name -

don quixote - went crazy in his head - beer makes you go crazy - beer is cervesa - like cervantes - he is a duplicate of miguel de - so - miguel de cervantes

cancion de pirata -

adios cordera - someone wrote adios clarin on the board - like the movie - clarin is last name - the boy is leaving 'to the' which is 'alas' - leaving to war - leave: leo: leopoldo alas clarin

gustavo adolfo becquer - adolf hitler wanted what he couldn't have, men want what they can't have - like rihanna - who rhyms - Rima XI

Ricardo Palma - palma: palm - a scorpian in the palm, el alacran de Frey Gomez

oda a la alcachofe - alcachofe: artichoke which you eat while walking around nude. nude: nerudo - Pablo nerudo who also wrote walking around.

sensemaya - is song - the guy Nick I know doesn't write songs - so it's nicolas guillen. he also wrote - chant - of la balada de dos abuelos

jorge luis borges - borges: bored - while in the hospital - sick, second realism - El sur - Juan dahlman goes back in time/el sur - and fights - George: jorge

continuidad de los parques - death - cut short - cortezar - parques - like parking - a motorcycle - or metal insect - motorcycles arn't ridden by big fat men named julio.

las medias rojas - red socks - hookers wear red socks - about a girl whos a hooker - her dad beats her up so she won't leave and go to the US - red socks - underwear - brazzier - bra - bazan - emilia pardo bazan

satira filosofica - filosofica: philosphical, who is? Tom Cruise - cruz, inez de la cruz - sor juana inez de la cruz

Ruben Dario - a roosevelt (I just happen to know this one.)

la noche boca arriba - crashed - motorcycle - on back - mouth up - motorcycle: metal insect - indians don't ride motorocycles, like the aztecs, that cortez found - cortez: cortezar: big fat man - round like a hula hoop - julio cortezar - also wrote - cortezar - cut - cut short - life, man reading about his own coming murder - continuidad de los parques.

horacio quiroga - horacio cane from CSI miami - investigates odd deaths - like EL HIJO who died on the fence and the public accountant who eats EL MIEL SILVESTRE - and gets eaten by ants.

cancion del pirata - pirates go on the sea to esponCida - Think JOE the pirate - joe: jose - jose esponcida

un senor muy viejo con unas alas enormous - el senor es un angel - gabriel is an angel - Gabriel (Garcia marquez)

adios cordera - bye, leaving - 'alas' - "to the" - to war - like Christ - clarin - leaving - leopoldo - Leopoldo alas clarin

mariano jose de larra - larra is like long - something long - long until tomorrow - manana - vuelva usted manana

Don quixote - crazy in head - because of beer - beer: cervessa, who servers beer? Servantes - servantes - cervantes

carlos funtes - fire - statue, Chac Mool

alacran de frey gomez - in hand - palma ricardo palma

sabinne ulibarri - young type name - a boy - who catches a caballo mago

el sur - con juan dahlmann - bored in the hospital due to illness - bored: borges, he fights george - jorge luis borges

a rooselvelt - ruben dario

el conde lucanor - rich man: don Juan - and kills with his hands, manuel - don juan manuel

emelia pardo bazan - brazan bra brazzirre - underwear, socks red socks las medias rojas

la casa de bernarda alba - casa house want good food in house - like garcias food - f before g - F: Fredrico G: Garcia mexican food is too hot for orcas - orca; lorca - fredricao garcia lorca

san manuel bueno Martir - was a preist so a monk wrote about him - a monk is una muno - or unamuno - he is a duplicate of miguel de - miguel de unamuno

juan rulfo - roof woof - dogs, no oyes ladra los perros

satira filosofica - philosophical tom cruise - sor juana inez de la cruz.

*** tell me what you think of this method of study and - if you find this useful, please let me know.

1 comment:

Jared and Tina said...

Wow Jon. I'm glad you'll be 'so' smart after knowing all that random info, names, titles, correlations, egads! This is what they teach you in Spanish??