Thursday, May 14, 2009

Message Board Game

On message boards, a game to play is sometimes called 'Finish My Sentence'. I posted one to our family web messaging board and here is the result. The change in bold is one poster to the next for a total of 36 entries.

Yesterday was a very good day because it was our second to the last weigh-in. I am excited for girls camp to get here. This planning stuff is certainly a test of endurance. But things are going great because I'm skinny and happy. I love to eat at Taco Johns because I can't get enough of the potato oles. I am so tired of being tired all the time. Sometimes I just really wish money would grow on trees.

Life would certainly be easier if
there was more time to spend playing with the kids and working on projects I want to work on. I think I'll go make some lunch. I want to have Taco Johns (thanks James!) but I can't because I'm painting walls and if I can't get this network problem figured out and fixed I just might burn my tongue on this cheese quesadilla because I'm not waiting for it to cool down. It's ok though because my knee hurts and I just downed 4 Ibuprofen. It's always good when life throws you a twist - keeps you hoppin'.

I'm going to take the domain server off the network to
cheat on my diet today. Sometimes I just can't put off doing the laundry any longer. My feet are cold and I hate telemarketers. I wish they'd all go jump into a big vat of marshmallows. No idea where you might find one. Ugh - it isn't working and I think chocolate might help. Maybe I'll fix me up a nice hot bubblebath. However I need to figure out dinner. When did that become a necessity?

I still haven't had the opportunity to sleep. It's that time again that I get to go home. If I get one more call from work, asking me to come in early tonight, I will just go get my brakes fixed. It always amazes me that I still haven't gone to bed. All I want is sleep and if these pants would let me breath I'd consider that I was as skinny as Dave and Jenn right now, but sometimes I just don't want to do anything. It makes me feel FANTASTIC that the house is getting done!! Now, if only I could remember why yesterday was so good.

The end.

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