Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why are we keeping this woman alive?

"The mother of 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown was sentenced ... for doing nothing as the ... child lay dying in their home."

"Some jurors visibly cringed and wept when shown grim crime-scene photos from the room where Nixzmary was bound to a chair, starved and forced to urinate in a litter box. She was so malnourished when she died that she weighed only 36 pounds -- about half the weight of an average girl that age."

What in the !*#@ are we doing keeping this woman alive? WHY is the American taxpayer now going to have to PAY to #1 - keep the woman live, #2 - pay for all her meals, #1 - pay for the prison in which she will live, #4 - etc.. etc.. etc..??


Consider this: a 7 year old girl, beaten to death by her mothers husband, Cesar Rodriguez. Why?

"He is serving 29 years on a manslaughter conviction for delivering the fatal blow after Nixzmary was caught stealing yogurt."

WHY are these two people being allowed to stay alive? A 7 year old little girl!!!


The only place I can find comfort in this is knowing that these two people will burn in hell. Burn In Hell! And for that I am grateful. May all who willingly injure children be swiftly thrust down to hell.

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